When Was the Last Time You Cleaned These Items in Your Home?

On average, there are over 340 different species of bacteria present in the average household. These bacteria can be found on surfaces like kitchen sponges, cutting boards, doorknobs, and remote controls. Regular cleaning and disinfecting can help reduce the spread of harmful germs and bacteria, promoting a healthier living environment. Here are 20+ items to give some TLC to this week that are often overlooked:

Ceiling Fans- The ultimate dust collector. Regularly dusting the tops of the fan blades will help keep your air clean, even if you don't use your fans year round.

Lamp Shades- Another area dusts clings to. I use a damp rag to wipe my shades down once a month. don't forget exposed lightbulbs too! just handle those with care.

Baseboards and Window Sills- I KNOW. This one brings me back to that scene from Mrs. Doubtfire were the kids are deep cleaning the house after school. But nothing is worse than years of caked on dust and dirt from our baseboards taking a beating. Wipe these down with a white vinegar and water soaked damp rag. I run a vacuum over them first to get rid of any loose dirt.

Remote Controls- We know hotel remotes are often the dirtiest items in the room, but what about our home remotes? Yeah, those too! Wipte these down once a month and use a q-tip if needed to get in between the buttons,

Light Switches and Door Knobs- Our hands touch these every time we walk in and out of a room...its time to give them a wipe down.

Pet Beds and Toys- Vacuum pet hair from beds and throw removable covers in the wash to freshen them up.

Washing Machine and Dishwasher- The machines that do the washing need washing too! I run cycles with white vinegar on HOT atleast once a month and then use a damp rag to wipe down the interior of the machine to keep them clean.

Cabinet Interiors- Removing and wiping down the interior of cabinets is a pain, but it helps keep things clean and dustfree, and provides an opportunity to integrate some re-organization.

Trashcans- Both interior and exteriors cans can use some TLC from time to time. Rinsing them out with soapy water and letting air dry to help with odor and eliminate dirt and bacteria.

Behind Appliances and Furniture- Dust Bunny central, and don't lie, do you really attempt to get the piece of pasta that rolls under the oven? Gentle and carefully move appliances away from the wall a few times a year and vacuum and wipe down the floor below them.

Make-Up Brushes- Us women will never admit how often we actually do clean our brushes. But the correct answer is every week. If not, we are really just grinding bacteria directly into our skin.

Air Vents, Grilles, Filters and Lint Traps- Another key in keeping your air clean. Dust grilles and wipe them with a damp rag. Change your filters seasonally, and use a round brush to clean out lint traps and vents.

Ice Trays or Ice Makers- I actually just learned how to clean the integrated ice maker in our refrigerator and its been a game changer. Clean ice cube trays or look up your refrigerator model to determine how to clean your integrated ice maker. It will make a world of difference in the taste of your ice.

Pillow and Comforter- You may change your sheets every week or so, but what about your comforter and the pillows themselves? These should also be run through the washer once a season. Be sure to read the care instructions on them first!

Maintaining a clean home goes beyond just tackling the obvious surfaces and areas. By incorporating these items into your regular cleaning routine, you can ensure a healthier and more hygienic living environment for you and your family. Remember, a little extra effort in cleaning these overlooked areas can make a big difference in the overall cleanliness and comfort of your home.

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